Data Resources
Stanford Electronic Health Records
Description Placeholder: Proin scelerisque varius justo, quis pharetra nulla pellentesque at. Ut pulvinar sollicitudin erat vel gravida. Nam volutpat facilisis augue, id feugiat sapien fringilla a. Nam mollis pretium augue sit amet pharetra. Nam pulvinar porttitor elementum. Nulla pretium felis non erat venenatis commodo in id ligula. Integer ornare, odio sed porta bibendum, sem tortor congue metus, auctor tincidunt sem eros vel augue. Donec ullamcorper, diam nec mollis faucibus, mi metus posuere sem, nec commodo eros dolor sed urna. Etiam nibh massa, sagittis eget tristique at, lobortis lacinia lorem.Praesent tincidunt, justo in suscipit semper, quam nunc porttitor lorem, eget hendrerit dolor ligula eu nunc. Fusce id urna ut sapien malesuada aliquam. Quisque dictum enim ac leo ornare a molestie leo sodales. In aliquet dui eget dolor volutpat quis tempor arcu rhoncus. Nulla velit velit, ultricies ut euismod quis, lacinia vel erat. Maecenas sit amet metus ante, tempus pellentesque tellus. Sed molestie facilisis erat, eu sodales sapien placerat ut. Vestibulum a lacus sed massa laoreet tempus eget nec tortor. Vestibulum enim dui, rhoncus eu porta sit amet, molestie vitae turpis. Donec scelerisque risus non urna vulputate semper. Integer massa justo, pellentesque eget ornare id, interdum adipiscing lacus. Sed pretium convallis quam, ut viverra nisl accumsan eu. Duis at elit arcu. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed eu nisi eget ipsum pulvinar porta sit amet convallis nisi.
Sight Outcomes Research Collaborative (SOURCE)
SOURCE ( a consortium of academic ophthalmology departments sharing de-identified electronic health record and ocular diagnostic test data on eye care recipients. Stanford is a member and contributes our EHR structured data, free-text notes, and visual field data. The data is aggregated, cleaned, and harmonized in a repository that faculty and trainees from participating sites can tap into and use for research and quality improvement projects.
- How do researchers gain access to SOURCE data?
- To obtain access to SOURCE data for a research or Q/I project, a researcher must be at an institution who is actively contributing data to the consortium. The researcher submits a brief proposal describing the proposed project, the variables needed, etc. All proposals get reviewed by the SOURCE Research Committee to ensure that the project is feasible and doable and not being done for nefarious purposes. Once the proposal is approved, a member of the SOURCE Data Office will extract the necessary data elements for the project and put them in a virtual sandbox on a HIPAA-compliant server at the University of Michigan. The virtual sandbox will also have statistical software to permit the researcher to carry out their analyses. The researcher will VPN into the virtual sandbox to carry out their analyses. To protect the data, no data can be downloaded or removed from the virtual sandbox by the researcher. Once all analyses are completed, a member of the SOURCE Data Office can pull the results off the sandbox and provide them to the researcher for presentations and publications.
- Where do I find the proposal form I need to fill out to access SOURCE data?
- (first link)
- How long does it take to get access to SOURCE data?
- Proposals are reviewed and approved by the SOURCE research committee roughly once a month. Your proposal might be approved or recommended to be revised and resubmitted. Once your proposal is approved, it will go into a queue so that the SOURCE data team can extract your requested data. The queue is of variable length but probably weeks+ at this time.
- What data types can be requested from SOURCE?
- De-identified structured EHR data are available to all. This includes patient demographics, diagnoses, procedures, eye exam information, lab measurements, surgery information including supplies and implants used and others.
- Because Stanford submits EHR free-text clinical progress notes, we can also request access to notes from other SOURCE sites but currently this is just UMich notes.
- Because Stanford submits Humphrey Visual Fields, we can also request access to HVF from other SOURCE sites (this includes UMich and possibly some other sites)
- Individual-level social determinants of health is also available (income, education, etc.) but this is on a subset of patients and it costs extra to access. Please discuss with Dr Wang (and eventually, with Dr Stein, Chief Data Officer of SOURCE).
- What software is available for data analysis in SOURCE?
- Standard statistical software is available, such as SAS, SPSS, R, Python...
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